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European Blues Challenge 2024

From 4th to 6th April the EBC was held in Braga Portugal. It was the first time in it's new formula of a 2 day semi-finals part and the finals on the third day.

This year Thomas Frank Hopper represented Belgium. He played a great show and reached the finals.

A very strong line-up for the finals resulted in Robbert Duijf (Netherlands) being the winner and Dan Mudd Ft. Bearbeard (Switzerland) receiving the award for best solo/duo act. We congratulate the winners on behalf of the Belgian Blues Federation.

During the EBC there is also a bluesmarket, where bands, clubs, festivals, bookers and bluesfans can meet, get to know each other and have a great time. The whole event is one big jolt of Blues infused enjoyment.

Of course there is the element of competition, but being there as a musician and showcase yourself, getting the chance to meet organizers, bookers, record labels and blues aficionados is more than enough to embark on this great trip.

Also bluesfans get to see more than 20 great acts in 3 days. Overall this is a great event for showcasing the blues for everyone.

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